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..and this is why I have a CCW


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I get no love here, Chad, why won't you smack my ass ???? Please!

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So if you were to pull out your gun in hopes that you would calm him down wrong answer.


The only reason to pull your pistol out is if your life is in danger for your life right at that moment.

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In 10-15 ft... a guy starts running at you... you won't have enough time..

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In 10-15 ft... a guy starts running at you... you won't have enough time..

Chad had that in his mind when typing that. When the bad guy is 10-15ft away, Chad is pulling the gun and firing.

..there is no pause.

What Chad was trying to say was A trained professional would have identified the need for deadely force within 20-25 feet, not 10-15.

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To both Chad's we are all correct here obviously we have all gone through the training and know the law. My pont was not that it was going to be a class 3 felony for no reason. I am stating that if you were to pull your weapon you better know what the law is and know that when you go to trial you will be judged by ten of your peers that have to see it the way you do. That is a scary thing if you ask me being here. Hell we cant even get through a measly immigration law without some pally wags complaining about something completely stupid. I know that I continue to practice weekly and carry everyday as most know here. I feel comfortable and confident that if I have to use my weapon I will. Hell if I am going to be killed with my own weapon because I dont feel comfortable and or dont know my rights when carrying. If and that is a big if I have to pull my weapon you better believe I will have no choice but to take you down and take care of the threat. I will put one right in your throat that should take care of things.

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If he were to get capped by the victim, I'm guessing the video would help out the victim in court.

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I think there were a couple of opportunities to run over the thug, but I don't think the driver could have the presence of mind (under the circumstances of unprovoked attack) to execute that move. No way would I have exited the vehicle. Nor would I have displayed my pistol to try to de-escalate the situation. However, it would have been in my hand as soon as he hit the passenger side of the car. I would have tried to escape by driving away. When he continued to attack and came around to the driver's window, I would have shot him right through the glass. Don't need time to rack the slide, there's always one in the chamber. . . I would have no problem clearly explaining to law enforcement why I was justified under the law in killing him (once I got done screaming, cleaning underwear and picking glass splinters out of myself). Because I don't get any practice facing down thugs like the police do, in any situation like this (as Chad says), the attacker would probably be within 10-15 feet of me before I made the final decision to shoot. I only point my pistol at something I intend to shoot, and if that something is a person, it would be because I think it is them or me, and it isn't going to be me if I can prevent it. With this video, if the driver had shot the thug, I don't think it would have even gone to court. I doubt that any charges would have been filed against the driver if she had shot her assailant (at least here in Arizona).

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Not sure what I would do in that situation, I think I would have gotten out of the car and if the dude came after me then he would be dead.

Wrong answer. Hard to prove self defense if you willingly left the safety of inside the car. End him from inside the car.

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Not sure what I would do in that situation, I think I would have gotten out of the car and if the dude came after me then he would be dead.

Wrong answer. Hard to prove self defense if you willingly left the safety of inside the car. End him from inside the car.

If you feel it is safe in the car then you can't shoot, because you are not in fear for your life. If I get out of the car and try to leave the situation and he comes after you with a weapon, then you will be acting in self defense and obviously you dont get out when he is right next to your door.

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It may depend on your point of reference. This is to be funny, not political, and I am a Democrate. You are walking down a dark alley with your wife, daughter, and son. Suddenly a crack-head junps out ahead with a large knife in his hand running at you yelling Ill kill you all!! You are armed with a Kimber Model 1911 .45 auto. You will: DEMOCRATE: What has society done to this poor man to have him do this and how can we help him? What are all the laws pertaining to this as a shoot, don't shoot situation? Does this weapon have all the safetys and child proof locks it should? How will this impact the future outlook of society and my family if I shoot? REPUBlCAN: BANG!! SOUTHERNER: BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG Click, (sound of reloading) BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG Click DAUGHTER: Gee dad, that is a swell tight shot group, were those Winchester Silver tips or hollowpoints? SON: Can I shoot the next one dad? WIFE: If you think you are taking that thing to the taxidermist, you had better think again!

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Guest Sidewinder

Not sure what I would do in that situation, I think I would have gotten out of the car and if the dude came after me then he would be dead.

Wrong answer. Hard to prove self defense if you willingly left the safety of inside the car. End him from inside the car.

If you feel it is safe in the car then you can't shoot, because you are not in fear for your life. If I get out of the car and try to leave the situation and he comes after you with a weapon, then you will be acting in self defense and obviously you dont get out when he is right next to your door.

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Not sure what I would do in that situation, I think I would have gotten out of the car and if the dude came after me then he would be dead.

Wrong answer. Hard to prove self defense if you willingly left the safety of inside the car. End him from inside the car.

If you feel it is safe in the car then you can't shoot, because you are not in fear for your life. If I get out of the car and try to leave the situation and he comes after you with a weapon, then you will be acting in self defense and obviously you dont get out when he is right next to your door.

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