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Who wants to be the Arizona Events Coordinator?


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For those that don't know, I have been the acting Arizona Events Coordinator with the Corvette Forum. It's a title at best -- but it also means that person is supposed to help promote the Corvette Forum through events in their area.

I was disappointed with the support that the CF gave us on the poker runs for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation and pretty much said I will set up events and help promote Corvette activities, but not so much for the Corvette Forum. From this the Arizona Vette Net and the forums here were created.

After 2 years and over 250 members I am handing Arizona Vette Net off to Phil Zuniga to manage and own and Dwayne Tomko to administer. I have helped with over 4 years of planning events in and around Arizona and it's time for me to move on. Not only am I moving out of state, I don't have the time and the patience anymore. I would love to just participate in the last few events while I am in Arizona and have nothing to do with setting them up, getting people to show up, and keeping them happy with how it's done. I will set up the Corvette Saturday Lunch in March and that's the last activity I will do any planning with (unless someone asks for help of course).

So, the first question is do we need an Arizona Events Coordinator?

Does A.C.E. need a point person to come up with event ideas, to plan the details and to assist other members with activities that they are hosting?

Or do we just say that who ever wants to plan an event post that they are having an event and that person is responsible for all details on their own?

Does anyone want to have the title with the Corvette Forum?

Do you want to "nominate" someone for the position?

If you want this job here is what I have been doing. These are suggestions and not orders on how to do anything.

  • Keep the calendar on ACE forum up to date
  • Keep the events section in ACE forums up to date
  • Monitor and update the Southwest Events section of the Corvette Forum.
  • Monitor the calendars of other Corvette clubs for activities and invite those clubs to participate in ACE events.
  • Plan / Host events - try to make sure there is at least one event per month.
  • Develop new event ideas from feedback of the members of ACE.
  • Promote the events in the community and try to encourage attendance and membership in ACE.
  • Monitor the Regional Events Coordinator section of the Corvette Forum.
  • Help other ACE members in planning their own events.
  • etc, etc, etc.

The floor is open to suggestions, comments and nominations.

See ya!


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3,503 lbs of trouble

Dwayne or Eddie - I'd like to see one of you carry on the torch. It just seems natural to me. At least I feel it shoud be someone who's been involved with the group for awhile so they can carry on our annual events.

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I would like to see it split up some,

Dan W, you seem to get around on the other vette sites, At least I think you do...

Why don't you take over this portion... I can help with any of it that you need help with...

Keep the calendar on ACE forum up to date

Keep the events section in ACE forums up to date

Monitor and update the Southwest Events section of the Corvette Forum.

Monitor the calendars of other Corvette clubs for activities and invite those clubs to participate in ACE events.


I think as a group we can keep the monthly events going, everyone is welcome to assist with the planning...

I'm going to keep the forums running and work on the each member to get out and try to attend at least one event a year. (hey its a start for some of them)...

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The more I look into this, the more I see how much Bryan worked his butt off, he did an awful lot to keep us going and all of this running as smoothly as he did....

Thanks Bryan! :howdy

Now if I can get the RR to leave me alone long enough to update the links page, I will be one step further along.... :mad

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3,503 lbs of trouble
I would like to see it split up some,

Dan W, you seem to get around on the other vette sites, At least I think you do...

Why don't you take over this portion... I can help with any of it that you need help with...

Keep the calendar on ACE forum up to date

Keep the events section in ACE forums up to date

Monitor and update the Southwest Events section of the Corvette Forum.

Monitor the calendars of other Corvette clubs for activities and invite those clubs to participate in ACE events.

I can do that.

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Thats great, you better get to work... :lol

Just let me or Bryan know if theres anything that you need help with. :thumbs

So does anyone want to step up and be the Southwest Events Coordinator on the Corvetteforum??? Or should we just let that job go away?

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Thats great, you better get to work... :lol

Just let me or Bryan know if theres anything that you need help with. :thumbs

So does anyone want to step up and be the Southwest Events Coordinator on the Corvetteforum??? Or should we just let that job go away?

I was thinking about Randy Hyken...a.k.a..BlackSedan87 for the Corvette Forum Events Coordinator.

How about it Randy?

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Dwayne or Eddie - I'd like to see one of you carry on the torch. It just seems natural to me. At least I feel it should be someone who's been involved with the group for awhile so they can carry on our annual events.

My 'vote' would also be for Eddie, but only if he wants it. Dwayne is pretty busy with the ACE forum and work and I don't think he wants the CF bit too.

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I guess it's time to put my .02 in here.

I have never been one for titles and definitely don't want to even attempt to fill the giant shoes that Bryan's leaving behind. I would take on the job but with the understand of everyone here that I am not going to be able to commit the time by myself that Bryan has.

If I do the job I am going to be calliing on everyone involved in the Vette community to do their part in suggesting activities and helping plan and carry them out. I guess what I'm saying is some of you older members and you noobs are going to have to step up and suggest cruises, lunch spots and other various activities. I will do everything I can to see that they come off w/o a hitch. I guess that describes an "event coordinator".

I'm sure I am not even aware of everything Bryan does but I would like to take this opportunity to thank him and congratulate him for the fine job he's done during the almost 3 yrs that I've been involved in ACE. He puts in a ton of time and effort into the events that we all enjoy so much. It's easy to just show up and enjoy events but we need participation. We may not all like to do the same things but Bryan has always come up with a great variety of events from cruises, lunches, charity events, Corvette Saturdays, etc. If anybody says they can't find something to enjoy about ACE they aren't trying very hard.

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3,503 lbs of trouble
I have never been one for titles and definitely don't want to even attempt to fill the giant shoes that Bryan's leaving behind. I would take on the job but with the understand of everyone here that I am not going to be able to commit the time by myself that Bryan has.

If I do the job I am going to be calliing on everyone involved in the Vette community to do their part in suggesting activities and helping plan and carry them out. I guess what I'm saying is some of you older members and you noobs are going to have to step up and suggest cruises, lunch spots and other various activities. I will do everything I can to see that they come off w/o a hitch. I guess that describes an "event coordinator".

Dwayne had also suggested we split up the duties. I'm good with that, and I will do my part. If we all agree to contribute would you consider accepting the title to oversee and direct our efforts?

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Yes, I would accept the title and appreciate you stepping and committing to assist. I know I can count on a number of the old ACE foks to assist and we have a great group of new folks that have signed on recently.

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I'm willing to help out a little too. Unfortunately with my schedule I won't be able to put in as much time as a lot of others, but I will do what I can if any of you need help....

I think I'm on enough that I could also help update the ACE calander and events page with Dan. I don't go to any of the other Vette sites though.


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PS... I would like to extend a big fat juicy THANK YOU for all that Bryan has done for the group. It is a big job and it is very impressive all that you have done.... We haven't been with this goup too long but we have had lots of fun with the events that we have attended.

Thank again Bryan....


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Guest XLR8TNC5

I am MORE than happy to assist and come up with other ideas for us to do. Heck, I don't even mind staying late to clean up, or hanging out, but I think I already fall into the "assist category" in this "club." I would also like to see some other people step up. If not, no biggie. But I will continue to attend, help plan, and brainstorm ideas, as well as play cheerleader and team motivator as much as possible.

Just don't "order" me to do anything. :cuss I just don't take kindly to being told WHAT TO DO. Especially, if Im already on it. Cool?


P.S. I agree that Bryan has done a fantastic job as an event coordinator. It isn't an easy job, especally when you are not getting any feedback from the people who keep on insisting that you put something together. So, kudos to the patience level you must have. I know I couldn't do it! :thumbs

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I will not be assisting in any way at all. :D

However, I will attend cruises and give monetarily. :yesnod

Thanks to all those who are stepping up to keep this club alive. I think the best is still to come. :cheers

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Just don't "order" me to do anything. :cuss I just don't take kindly to being told WHAT TO DO. Especially, if Im already on it. Cool?


You can count on me not ordering you around. I live with a woman whose theme song is "don't tell me what to do". I do take orders well though :lol:lol

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Thats great,  you better get to work... :lol

Just let me or Bryan know if theres anything that you need help with.  :thumbs

So does anyone want to step up and be the Southwest Events Coordinator on the Corvetteforum??? Or should we just let that job go away?

I was thinking about Randy Hyken...a.k.a..BlackSedan87 for the Corvette Forum Events Coordinator.

How about it Randy?

I'm not really sure exactly what the job involves, and I get the impression that most of you ACE's don't care for the CF very much.

I can only echo what everyone else has said here - Bryan spent a lot of time on all of these things, and I don't know if I can devote the same amount of energy to it as he did. I would be willing to give it a try, though! I think I spend more time than most of you on the CF by my choice, and I can update calendars and stuff like that and see to it that it's posted there.

I'm flattered Phil, that you thought of me - thanks! I do see value in having a liason to the CF, and we shouldn't forget were it not for the CF most of us would have never gotten together in the first place. I think for the folks that aren't aware of this forum and for those out of Arizona, the need for someone to post events, etc. over there is still a worthwhile activity. :cheers


Oh yeah - one more thing. I live and work in a female world, so I'm used to being told what to do. You can boss me around all you like - my hearing seems to fail at certain levels of pitch (like the female voice! :P )

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I'm not really sure exactly what the job involves, and I get the impression that most of you ACE's don't care for the CF very much.

i kinda disagree randy - i'm not sure what it is exactly, but i'm pretty sure that it's NOT that we don't like CF.

like you said, without CF this group might never have come into existence.

i spend time on CF but mostly sneaking a peek while at work, then trying to hide what i'm doing from my boss and coworkers :leaving

the "vette net" as i like to call this place is more of a local home to us all, putting faces to names, hanging out, general BSing and such.

believe you me, i'd love to do the same things with the CF bunch - some of those clowns from OT that i have gotten to know and love in the last 5 or 6 years are such a riot.

and i owe my share of beer! :D

my hats off to bryan for keeping us in line, keeping us "occupied" with events, and just thanks in general.

i'll give the same thanks to the person who steps up and takes over that position.

i'll even throw a few ideas in the hat once in a while to keep it fresh.

anyway, i vote for whomever wants the position, it does seem quite time consuming with route planning and such, and knowledge of destinations and routes seems critical, heck, i'm no travelling guy, most of the trips i've been on have been with you guys/gals!


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The thing is Chris that I agree with you that I have met some folks there that I have never seen in my life and wouldn't know them if they walked up to me and introduced themselves. But there are some that I consider "friends". Same goes here. I know I don't post much over here, but I do read a lot of what goes on. Some of it I like - some I disagree with.

Point is that I feel someone - whether that's you or me, or anyone else that wants to step up and be counted, needs to perform that function. But that's strictly my opinion, and we all know what's said about opinions......:rolleyes

What I meant is that I don't see many posts from the C5 folks over there (and admitedly that's the only place I hang). I read the comments about the CF - don't get me wrong I respect those opinions, I don't have to necessarily agree with them.

I'm not gonna be pissed or disappointed if the majority feels that the Arizona Events Coordinator is a waste of time and not continue it. I've already stated that I felt it was something worthwhile. Again - my opinion.

In the words of that great modern philosopher - Alicia Silverstone....WHATEVER! :cheers

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In the words of that great modern philosopher - Alicia Silverstone....WHATEVER!  :cheers

OK Mr. Whatever, I think you just made your point to being our spokesperson on the CorvetteForum...

Bryan will get you added to the job title over there. And hopefully let you know what you need to know about it....

I still Love the CF, I just can't seem to find the time lately to venture over there much lately...Plus I mostly hang in the C3 sections over there anyway...

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Randy -- It's yours as soon as I get someone to change it over.

You will get access to the events coordinator forum (a place to ask for "sticky threads" and for ordering promotional items).

Also you get the title under your user name and you are allowed to use an avatar that moves --- yippee !

Mostly you will monitor the SW events section, keep the posts in there up to date with the ACE activities and invite CF members to join in with the ACE activities or other activities going on in the area.

I will work on getting it all set up for ya.

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I hope ya'll don't feel that I was lobbying for the job. Bryan - thanks for helping getting this switched over. I can't wait until I can use an animated avatar! (What's an avatar? ;) )

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Fantastic times three!! :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs

1. Phil for the nomination :yesnod

2. Dwayne for seconding the motion :agree

3. Randy for accepting the post :cool

I read CF often but seldom post.

The C5 Z section READS uninformed.

Sometimes it's people just playing games??

I'm usually here or Z06Vette!!

Congrats Randy!!


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Thanks, Ken! I know some of the folks over there can be real RICHARD CRANIUMS if you know what I mean! :yesnod

I'm sure I won't be as adept at it as Bryan, but I'll give it my best shot. :D

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I know I can count on a number of the old ACE foks to assist and we have a great group of new folks that have signed on recently.

:agree I can help out whenever needed. Just let me know when and where help is needed. I will do whatever I can. I.E... get people drunk in my home. :drinkers J/K I will be happy to assist whenever needed.


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