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Female Definitions


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1) Fine

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2) Five Minutes

If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3) Nothing

This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4) Go Ahead

This is a dare, not permission. Don’t do it!

5) Loud Sigh

This isn’t actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here an arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing).

6) That’s Okay

This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7) Thanks

A woman is thanking you; do not question or faint. Just say “you’re welcome.” Please note – if she says “thanks a lot” – that is pure sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. In this case, DO NOT say “you’re welcome.” That will bring on a “whatever.”

8) Whatever

This is a woman’s way of saying F- YOU!

9) Don’t worry about it, I got it.

Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking “What’s wrong?” For the woman’s response, refer to #3.

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Oh wise one, please enlighten me on the definition of my wife's most famous mystery babble: "I don't care. You decide."

After dating for 6 years and marriage for 42, I remain baffled and still manage to get in trouble every time she says that to me.


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Oh wise one, please enlighten me on the definition of my wife's most famous mystery babble: "I don't care. You decide."

After dating for 6 years and marriage for 42, I remain baffled and still manage to get in trouble every time she says that to me.


she is saying......................It doesn't matter what she says, you're going to do it your way anyhow, so why bother. Or it can also be interpreted this way.......................No matter what I decide will be wrong, so you figure it out. At least that is my experience with that statement.

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Oh wise one, please enlighten me on the definition of my wife's most famous mystery babble: "I don't care. You decide."

After dating for 6 years and marriage for 42, I remain baffled and still manage to get in trouble every time she says that to me.


That would be #10. She doesn't have any input on the matter but reserves the right to bitch at you at a later date/or refer to # 3.

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Oh wise one, please enlighten me on the definition of my wife's most famous mystery babble: "I don't care. You decide."

After dating for 6 years and marriage for 42, I remain baffled and still manage to get in trouble every time she says that to me.


she is saying......................It doesn't matter what she says, you're going to do it your way anyhow, so why bother. Or it can also be interpreted this way.......................No matter what I decide will be wrong, so you figure it out. At least that is my experience with that statement.

Oh no.....this one is a slippery slope and its a trap so beware when this is uttered; the women here won't have an answer to it because there is no absolute correct response. In this situation, where normally she'd have answer or give direction she's at a loss but won't admit it. This one is the response to "Honey what you like to do/where to go" This is a total roll of the dice, choose correctly and all will be fine. Make the wrong choice and you're screwed for the duration of the activity and treated with semi-contempt. Take it one step further, if you ask (after obviously making the wrong choice) "what's wrong?", you'll likely be greeted with "I didn't want to do this, I wanted to do something else". DO NOT then utter "then why didn't you say that when I asked?" because now you've called her out and exposed the situation. Next thing out of her mouth is "whatever"

Bottom line on this one - She's probably already irritated about something, be a mind reader or you're screwed.........

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it's better to remain single these days instead of taking a verbal tongue lashing or worse.

Says the guy who just got hitched. :lol

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So how about "I won't divorce you I will just shoot you" ?

Mine tells me she knows where I sleep and then pulls out a knife.

Women. :Pfffff:

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One of the best things about my wife is she doesn't play these games. She is honest and brutal but no backwards mind reading stuff. I like it better that way.

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One of the best things about my wife is she doesn't play these games. She is honest and brutal but no backwards mind reading stuff. I like it better that way.

If you can really accept that from your wife, hat's off to ya.

Most guys can't handle unfiltered honesty from a woman. . .hence my current single state! :smilelol

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Yes Dear!

You do realize that all women understand that "Yes Dear" really means "F-You" in male speak.

Whatever. . . :smilelol


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